Terms and conditions of Mypms.cloud

Mypms.cloud In addition to being a management software for hoteliers, aims to promote on-line tourism facilities, rooms, bed and breakfast, accommodation in & nature, mountain landscapes, hills, sea, countryside, near the lakes or any other geographical location.Individual structures can be contacted from internet users by filling out the availability request form à or by using the online reservation (booking)Each participating facility, enter their own information, photos, prices, quotations, translations etc. access to a members area with your username and password and è responsible for such content. Hsweb (holder of the www.cloud-hotel.it Portal Management) assumes no responsibility for the contents and à the à veracity of information published by individual facilities.

Free service

Booking/contact of CLOUD-hotel è completely free.
No additional cost will be applied to the price of the à room.
Cloud-percecepisce not any compensation or Commission on bookings and/or received contacts.

On-line reservations

The user chooses the structure and fill in the availability request form à. If the structure has à availability, the user receives a confirmation email à availability and data for payment of the deposit to guarantee the reservation. This deposit can be paid ò with bank transfer or by credit card via Paypal as payment à mode set by the operator of each facility.


Monies paid against the breach of contract or in case of withdrawal


The user can ò cancel your reservation under the conditions set by the Manager.

Disponibilit à

The facilities belonging to Cloud-hotel are aware that they must promptly update the availability of its à housing.


Hsweb per Mypms.cloud offre un servizio di promozione on-line alle strutture aderenti che, potendo modificare le proprie informazioni (testi, foto, disponibilità) in qualsiasi momento, sono da ritenersi unici responsabili dei dati immessi sul sito o comunicati tramite lo stesso. Hsweb, si esonera, da qualsiasi eventuale imprecisione, errore e/o fallacia nelle informazioni pubblicate.


Posted data for availability à requests and bookings are treated in accordance with the Privacy Act in accordance with the Italian law. (privacy policy)

Licenses and references

Punti d'interesse ed altre informazioni georeferenziate sono state tratte dal sito www.poigps.com.


Via della Libertà, 6
87020 Sangineto (CS) Italy
Tel. 0982/536031
Contact us